Cy has had his monster licence taken away, and he has been reclassified as a Pirate, on account of him just being a normal guy with just one eye. The Pirates life is not for Cy so when an opportunity to get his licence reinstated presents itself, Cy embarks on a quest, of some kind, with some people of some description, to get something or other.

Drew, Sabastian, Shamus, and Mary have their quiet unassuming lives destroyed by the dammed inconveinance of having to save the world, then the universe, and then, well, everything!

Theres a lot to cover here, ok, first what if the voice inside your head left and became a mop, you ever think of that? of course not, why would you, forget that.

Second! If particles are everywhere all at once until they are observed, then why do we all see the same thing when we observe them, who is doing that, it can’t be us or we would all see something different, who or what controls what particles become when we look at them?

Nigal is about to discover the answer to that question when he stumbles across a secret that’s been hidden under the great pyramids for thousands of years, a discovery that throws his, and everyone else’s life into utter chaos!

The Apocalypse Blockers Multiverse is made up of heroes spanning time, space, and realities, one thing links them all, the battle for reality itself! Khaos is coming!

Dave's first day working on the wall does not go well. Through very little fault of his own, he finds himself embroiled in the ruthless, backstabbing, corrupt world of interplanetary politics. The money has all gone, people are turning on each other, and the whole colony of Copernicus is in utter turmoil. Dave fumbles his way around the left wing and the right wing, and wings he never even knew existed, looking for the answer to Copernicus's problems before it’s too late and the colony descends into a lawless hive of people wearing leather and sporting mohawks.

HELLO! welcome to my shop for the strange, bizarre and silly.

I am the curator here, if you are reading this then I am dead and the radioactive monkeys have won, never mind, lets crack on, ok if you made it this far you are curious as to what my books are like but not curious enough to bother reading one to find out, you want me to smooth talk you into it, you little minx! ok, well they are a hot mess of stupid events befalling stupid people, in a stupid fashion, in places that are very odd.

Don’t be fooled by how incredibly intelligent, sexy, and magnificent I look, i’m just like you, if you are incredibly awesome, and super clever with really clean shoes, if you are not; clean your bloody shoes or get out!

Control Spark

There’s a lot to cover here, ok, first what if the voice inside your head left and became a mop, you ever think of that? of course not, why would you, forget that.

Second! If particles are everywhere all at once until they are observed, then why do we all see the same thing when we observe them, who is doing that, it can’t be us or we would all see something different, who or what controls what particles become when we look at them?

Nigal is about to discover the answer to that question when he stumbles across a secret that’s been hidden under the great pyramids for thousands of years, a discovery that throws his, and everyone else’s life into utter chaos!


Cy's story draws to a close. The end comes for us all eventually, but what end we face is in the hands of the Gods.

Cy stands at the end of all things with his friends, his fate unknown, his destiny unclear, his gas bill unpaid.

What fate has in store for Cy, only time will tell, time and actually reading this book to find out, I mean you won't find anything out just standing there like a right berk, will you!?


The seas belong to Cy, and his crew. Since they left Olympus Island everything has been just peachy. The blissful existence upon the waves was not to last. Poseidon, sore from being banished from Olympus Island thirsts for revenge.

Finding the undefeatable Toad-man army, Poseidon sets in motion the plans for his vengeance against, Cy, and his crew. Buckles get swashed, magic, fantasy, other cool stuff, awaits you in the tale of when, One-Eyed Cy, fought the Toad-Man army.


Cy has had his monster licence taken away, and he has been reclassified as a Pirate, on account of him just being a normal guy with just one eye. The Pirates life is not for Cy so when an opportunity to get his licence reinstated presents itself, Cy embarks on a quest, of some kind, with some people of some description, to get something or other.

Final Resistance

An ancient evil is returning, a war that was already won must be fought again, or once more, twice, like they already had it, but now they are doing it again because doing stuff again is what you do when the first time went ok, but this time it might not go ok, so, well, its a risk, isn't it?

Drew, Sabastian, Mary, Shamus, and Teak have had a rough old time of things, but they are still battling, still fighting, still resisting, and now with help from new friends they are ready to face their last battle, their final war, their final resistance!


Saving the world was the first step towards, well, everything! Drew, Mary, Sabastian, and Teak are in a world of epic stuff that they can’t understand.

An evil the universe had forgotten threatens to return, evil that’s still here is being a right pain, basically evil is just, well, it's being evil and nobody needs its crap!

There are two choices, resist or try to make up a second choice.


Well, that was sudden! Shamus turns on the television to discover that the planet has been invaded. Drew, Sabastian, and Mary along with Shamus and an alien visitor, Teak, are all that survived the swift Apocalypse.

Forming the resistance did not take long, there’s only five of them, but they will put up a fight none the less.

This is a tale of something or other, and what a tale it is, there was, something, then there was this other thing. Nobody saw it coming, nobody expected it, and nobody could have imagined the fight that followed, from Da’ Resistance!


There was always one point, one moment in all of reality where everything that was will fight for everything that might be.
It’s this point; well, several points but all happening at the same time, well not the same time.
It’s super complicated, some question whether it really happened at all, or will happen, don’t listen to those people they just don’t understand super complicated stuff.


In a place unknown. In a time nobody is sure of. Stuff happened, and there were Dragons.

Epic dobadoobries unfold at an incredible pace around Prince Jasper and his man-servant, page, the guy who goes with him, Roulart.

Can they stop the evil Queen from taking over Prince Jaspers's kingdom, and why should you care?

Well, you should care! It will be a really rubbish story if you don't, put some effort in!


Since mankind first climbed down from the trees we have looked out to the stars. We looked outward wondering what secrets to our existence are out there.

Professor John Spanks is about to discover the biggest secret the universe has. John has his World turned upside-down when he discovers that all this time; we were looking the wrong way!



If you have ever wanted to refuse a vaccine while laying on the flat earth, looking up at the moon that we never landed on, listening to the very much alive Elvis new duet with Tupac, then this is the book for you!

None of that happens in this book but you have the right stuff my friend!

Join Jim's discovery of all things secret that those damn elite Marxists keep lying about, there are only two ways to the truth, this book or a YouTube video made by an angry middle-aged white man, I am also a middle-aged white man and sometimes angry so you know what I'm telling you must be true!


Bruce thinks he is helping mankind and playing his part in saving the planet when he develops his serum for speeding up the development of lab-grown cultured meat.

What Bruce has actually done is send us to the bottom of the food chain; well not all the way to the bottom. we are still above Ducks. Nobody gets eaten by a Duck.

Apocalypse Blockers

The fate of every living thing in the multiverse that has ever existed or is going to exist rests in the hands of a band of, well, weirdos if I am honest but they are our only hope.

Our reality and every possible reality are under attack from an evil force called Khaos that has sent apocalypse after apocalypse to every reality around the planet Earth.

Not every version of the Earth fell, a mighty few stopped the apocalypse sent by Khaos, these few are all that stand in the way of Khaos, these warriors, these heroes, these apocalypse Blockers!


Chris and Steve were quite happy sitting in their rooms playing online games until events in a kabab shop changed everything and reset all of the rules.
A deal with the Grim Reaper could give them both a second chance at life if they can play the game of their lives inside some of the games they have only ever seen through a screen, until now.
Luckily they are not alone, friends they had not met, or maybe they had, help the new guys, the Noobs!

Bob and the Blob


Bob's day is off to a bad start. He is abducted by alien blobs and is put into a zoo, while the rest of humanity is being taken to slaughter to be turned into burgers.
He has had better Thursdays.
Bob's handler, Fred, befriends Bob, and the two of them try to change the legal status of humans, from food to intelligent life, so that the slaughter ship can be stopped, and everyone returned to earth, it is not easy as there are a lot of not very intelligent life forms on that ship.


Real Love knows no realities.

The Multiverse's first power couple were once a lonely queen and a king who had lost his kingdom.

this is the story of how a multiverse in Khaos brought them together.

Respect to the man in the ice cream van

Everything was better in the 90s unless it was being attacked by ghost witches. If it was being attacked by ghost witches then it was not that great; although it happened at a great time and in an awesome setting!

The documented doings of rick toenail space sheriff and princess power

THE BIRTH OF THE LEGEND! War is brewing and the galaxy's only space sheriff and his robot companion will not be enough to contain it. An awesome hero saving the day with dumb luck and unlikely coincidences can only get you so far. But when epic battles loom, epic friends are required.

A Zombie Bit Myffanie


All merry hell breaks loose and life as we know it is in danger of being snuffed out from the planet on what is otherwise not too bad of a Tuesday.

Barry and Myffanie have to negotiate a Zombie apocalypse in an effort to save the market value of the house they bought in Ptthwit five years ago.

An accident in a nearby cosmetics laboratory has unleashed a zombie horde onto the village, one that may take over the entire planet if they don't stop it, or worse completely wipe out the extra value Barry's Garage extension put onto their property.

Spice Zombie Apocalypse

Dracula looks on in horror at the monster's duck pouting on Instagram; teen vampires glistening in the sun with fabulous hair, werewolves with hipster beards... He decides enough is enough.
He will salvage the monster image with the monsters of old, and remind the world that they are so much more than fantasy objects for teenage girls.
Standing in Dracula’s way to world domination, are the children of his old enemies who have grown up, well, a bit snowflakey.
The Apocalypse is upon us. Good versus evil. Monster versus monster. It is this Wednesday. Bring a packed lunch.

A Rocket to the Blasted Moon


It's a time of great discovery and adventure, William desperately tries to cement his legacy into this revolution of industry with little success until he is gifted some designs for a space Rocket.

William and his manservant, Mumbandi build the Rocket, keen to prove all of his peers wrong and be the first to travel to the stars.

Discovery and adventure present themselves in an abundance during the first-ever journey of A Rocket to the Blasted Moon!

Space and Stuff the Full Saga

A STORY OF REALITIES, SPACE AND STUFF Dave’s new job, working on the wall of Copernicus sets off a series of events that just keep escalating really, what starts as political discourse somehow ends up being a race through time, space, and reality itself. Join a group of weirdos and oddballs as they explore the very complex social and physical aspects of the ‘stuff’ that surrounds them. A multiverse is an odd place and very odd things happen inside of it, so much so you can lose sight of whatever it was you thought was not odd, to begin with.


The locals of The Bull’s Head meet an odd salesman after hours. The future of the entire planet hangs in the balance. Everything depends on them and their ever-dwindling grasp on sobriety.

Space And Stuff


Dave's first day working on the wall does not go well. Through very little fault of his own, he finds himself embroiled in the ruthless, backstabbing, corrupt world of interplanetary politics. The money has all gone, people are turning on each other, and the whole colony of Copernicus is in utter turmoil. Dave fumbles his way around the left wing and the right wing, and wings he never even knew existed, looking for the answer to Copernicus's problems before it’s too late and the colony descends into a lawless hive of people wearing leather and sporting mohawks.

Galactic Wars Administration


One of the greatest sci-fi stories ever told has been told by the heroes, it’s been told by the villains but it has never been told by the people who were there but did not really care because they just worked there, until now!

Our Fathers Who Art in Lapland

Some idiot read from the book again!

This time the Devil has enlisted the help of Krampus and has kidnapped Santa himself, so he has.

Can fathers O'Malley and O'Riley once again thwart doomsday and save Christmas!?

One of those things seems a bit more pressing than the other to be fair, but both will need doing, so they will!

The Super Nice Monster Squad

Dracula looks on in horror at the monster's duck pouting on Instagram; teen vampires glistening in the sun with fabulous hair, werewolves with hipster beards... He decides enough is enough.
He will salvage the monster image with the monsters of old, and remind the world that they are so much more than fantasy objects for teenage girls.
Standing in Dracula’s way to world domination, are the children of his old enemies who have grown up, well, a bit snowflakey.
The Apocalypse is upon us. Good versus evil. Monster versus monster. It is this Wednesday. Bring a packed lunch.

Space And Stuff 2

Well, here we are again and things are a right mess.
(pinches nose)
It's complicated.
Terrorists tried smuggling a time manipulator through customs, only it went wrong and it ended up in the hands of a schoolboy, Alex, you remember him. Anyway, he thinks it is a time simulator, so he is using it to do his history homework. Every time Alex uses the time manipulator to travel back in time, it creates a copied universe, because you can’t travel backwards in time. If you could, we would all be doing it, right? So the gravity from all of these universes are pulling each other apart. Everyone's going to die unless a band of heroes finds a way to save us all. Let's hope they do; they probably will; there wouldn't be much point in writing a book about it if they did not. But you never know. You best read it anyway.

Our Fathers

Bishops Point is about to face its biggest crisis since the distempered badgers attacked.

Father O'Riley and Father O'Malley are all that stand in the devil's way. The forces of Hell descend upon the sleepy Irish town en masse, but they were not expecting the good fathers to lead a rebellion against them.

Space And Stuff 3

Here we are yet again, still no nearer an end to this nonsense than when we began. That is where you are wrong. This is it! The end game. It all ends now! Our heroes thought they had saved reality, but now they’ve learned they don't even know what reality is! Things from reality are fighting back against them and in order to save their reality, they must first work out what reality is, then find the real reality, and stop it or something — I don't even know! Come on one last insanity-filled trip, and let's just hope nobody dies for very long.


GET ME THE MANAGER NOW! For a millennium, they sat waiting, traveling through the dark, empty, cold vacuum of space, plotting our demise. Every contingency was planned in detail. They were ready to wipe out our armies, crush any resistance and sweep aside any warriors. Mankind’s fate was sealed. It was only ever just a matter of time. What they had not planned for — what they are not ready for — is Karen! Any likeness between Karen and any real persons alive or dead is purely inevitable.

Goblin Queen


Rejected as a child, Rangalan found family, friends and a home with the goblin folk of the mountains. Now hunted by the man who first rejected her, Rangalan's father, King Longhorn, there's nothing Rangalan will not do to protect her friends.
That all sounds very serious.
It's not.
It’s actually all rather silly, utter nonsense if you ask me.
Read it if you must, but don’t say I did not warn you.


Probably the only thing worse than finding out that nothing you know is real, is finding out that you are also not real.

Well, thats how Sanjiv's day started, it did not get much better after that, truth be told.

We have been selling comics ,action figures and gaming products since 1996 and started trading in Accrington.
Now based in Blackburn in a retail premises just opposite the town`s library,with a large gaming area to boot.We have been selling comics ,action figures and gaming products since 1996 and started trading in Accrington.
Now based in Blackburn in a retail premises just opposite the town`s library,with a large gaming area to boot.


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